Monday, September 13, 2010

Ah, To Be A KID Again!

Kids r soo funny. I love our neighbor's kids.. Slate made the move adjustment well. On this in particular day we had all the neighbor kids @ the house. They sure were using their imaginations, playing football, climbing up trees (Tommy actually had to go outside to get DJ out of the tree b/c he climbed so high & got stuck), riding scooters, bikes, coloring with chalk on our drive way, playin hide in go seek, tag, water ballons, & last but not least cops & bad guys, in the mist of it all Lacey was right there 2!! I have a blast watching them play. It's almost like I get to b a kids again threw them!

DJ, Brody, & Slate
wrapped around a tree.
They have been captured!!

Slate, Brody, & Lacey playing in a puddle

I tried to get one of the signs but the
Street Department won't let me
b/c it's saying that we allow
our kids to play in the street.
Not what I was wanting it for..
I was just wanting to get this to try to
slow down the teens that drive down our road
going 50 miles an hr down a 25m an hr road!!
even the parents go fast even when they see
the kids playing they don't even hit the breaks
one bit!! Maybe I will have to call the cops &
I really don't want it to come to that.. The cop
who rented our house got one of his cop friends
to sit & clock some peps with the gun & one of the
teens was going wayyyyyy 2 fast & got taken to
Jail!! @ least all the kids lives right beside us but
on the oppsite side are 3 houses where they are
fast drivers.. Not a good combination!

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