Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Getting it all out there!

Today was a really depressing day.. I spent all day by myself, like I do everyday while the kids r in school. I really don't like to talk on the phone. I actually can't stand my phone b/c only having relationships threw phone or even online is depressing for me.. I want to see an actual person, to hang out with. I am soo trying hard to not end up back in the rut I was in, not being sociable & back in my shell, It's hard thought. Especially when I only have kids to talk to & their not really into talking to me, just one another. Today I felt invisible, like I don't exsist. I try to reach out & get myself out there but I can only do so much. When will this cycle ever end!! Maybe getting a job will help me but @ the same time a job won't help b/c you really can't b friends with those peps you work with & if the kids ever have something @ school I wouldn't b able to b there for them. I have no support, Tommy's @ work all day & it's just me & the kids. My kids aren't the problem, it's just me. Today just sucked!!! I'm just having one of those days :(

Monday, September 13, 2010

Ah, To Be A KID Again!

Kids r soo funny. I love our neighbor's kids.. Slate made the move adjustment well. On this in particular day we had all the neighbor kids @ the house. They sure were using their imaginations, playing football, climbing up trees (Tommy actually had to go outside to get DJ out of the tree b/c he climbed so high & got stuck), riding scooters, bikes, coloring with chalk on our drive way, playin hide in go seek, tag, water ballons, & last but not least cops & bad guys, in the mist of it all Lacey was right there 2!! I have a blast watching them play. It's almost like I get to b a kids again threw them!

DJ, Brody, & Slate
wrapped around a tree.
They have been captured!!

Slate, Brody, & Lacey playing in a puddle

I tried to get one of the signs but the
Street Department won't let me
b/c it's saying that we allow
our kids to play in the street.
Not what I was wanting it for..
I was just wanting to get this to try to
slow down the teens that drive down our road
going 50 miles an hr down a 25m an hr road!!
even the parents go fast even when they see
the kids playing they don't even hit the breaks
one bit!! Maybe I will have to call the cops &
I really don't want it to come to that.. The cop
who rented our house got one of his cop friends
to sit & clock some peps with the gun & one of the
teens was going wayyyyyy 2 fast & got taken to
Jail!! @ least all the kids lives right beside us but
on the oppsite side are 3 houses where they are
fast drivers.. Not a good combination!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Here is Sherry with her 3 boys L-R: Scott & Mitchel Crow, & Grant Adams.

Maw-Maw's bday with Sherry Feb 2010

Thanks for all the love during the time of Tommy's sisters death aka. Sherry Adams. I understand most could not make it during the time & day of the funeral. The flowers were also beautiful as Sherry loved flowers. She is in a better place. I will post some Pics & a video soon of Sherry.

May 7th 2006 Tommy & Slate

‎August ‎14, ‎2006 Lacey Gargus