Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Crossroads U12's 1st season Aug - Nov

Crossroads team went to see Woodlawn 10/25 with Slate,Adam,Jonas,&Tate
Lacey and Inwent to see Hotel Transylvania 2 while the boys saw Woodlawn.
Between games during the tournament we took a break to eat at Stevie B's in Madison.

Coach Eusebio instructing the boys before the game.
Ready for Friday nights game
Watching the U18 boys in Florence
Prayer before game
Bryce, Slate, and Lacey headed to the Florence game
Jaylon, Slate, and Kameron playing punch van on the way to practice.
Kameron and Slate acting silly with studying
Early Crossroads U12 team picture of their first game.
Everybody is piling in the van to get out of the storm. No practice for today!!

This has been Slate's schedule for two months or more with playing on two different soccer teams! How he had all A's during that whole semester is beyond me. I could not have done that having practices M-F and then Sat & Sun games. It has been a busy soccer season and we are not done yet! Here comes Futsal indoor soccer. No Bballing this year.