Monday, October 18, 2010

Oct. 18th

Slate made us proud with his 1st report card. Honor roll :) & lost 2 teeth this week. So we went shopping this weekend & found a steal on a new scooter. So we bought 2 of them.. They were regular in between $79-$99 and bought it for $24 even so we got 2 just incase. It was suppose to be put up for Christmas but you know Tommy & I. We just couldn't wait b/c Slate has been wanting a razor sooo bad & for the Honor roll we decided just to go on ahead and just give it to him. LOL Lacey does good with it too, she loves Slate's scooter so it's awesome that we bought 2.. Slate was sick all day Sunday & woke up with a fever @ 3am, his lil tummy was hurtin. I kept him out of School today, got him a Dr.'s appointment @ 10:10.. I'm sure breathing tx & cough meds. We are actually both sick. I've been sick since last Sunday, I could not even talk for 2 days. Guess it's this weather not being able to make up it's mind if it wants to be 80 or 67 degrees. I just pray we are all better b4 halloween b/c we were all sick for fall break. Lacey's out of school on her fall break this thurs. & fri. I'm going to get to have Lacey's friend over Zoe. Lacey loves Zoe, she's our next door neighbor. I just pray we are over this sickness b4 then! Please Pray for us! :)